GEF Áreas Privadas - Conservando Biodiversidade e Paisagens Rurais
GEF Private Areas - Conversing Biodiversity and Rural Landscapes
"This guide is designed for you, rural producer, who is interested in learning more about the soil! Soil care should be a constant practice to achieve good results in agricultural and livestock production. However, soil management can be challenging, and if done improperly, it can lead to soil compaction and nutrient loss, causing economic and environmental losses on the property. To assist you, we have prepared this content, introducing basic concepts about the soil and six of its main characteristics: pH, organic matter, texture, structure, compaction, and soil organisms. By recognizing these characteristics, you can assess whether your soil is suitable for cultivation and which practices can be adopted to recover or improve it. We hope this guide inspires you to learn even more about this true 'living organism' that is soil, so relevant to sustainable agricultural production and our survival and well-being."
Funding Agency: Fundo Global para o Meio Ambiente (GEF)
Implementing Agency: ONU Meio Ambiente
Coordination: Ministério do Meio Ambiente (MMA)
Executing Agency: Instituto Internacional para Sustentabilidade (IIS)
Guide Coordination: Lara Monteiro, Veronica Maioli
Authors: Lara Monteiro, Luciana Azevedo, Veronica Maioli, Aline Rodrigues, Maiara Mendes, Ingrid Pena
Review: Agnieszka Latawiec, Helena Alves Pinto, Luiza Curcio Pizzutti, Isis Freitas, Nathália Machado e Sousa
Communication Team: Fernanda Gomes, Carolina Duccini
Illustration: Azulita Studio
Graphic Design: Lanatta™ Design
All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2022
All illustrations were produced by Azulita Studio.
Below are some of these illustrations and their application in the guide: